Saturday, May 27, 2006

I hate Process !

I never used to be so formal in wearing my dresses. But i am forced to comply coz i have to go to a "customer site". The daily routine of polishing my shoes, wearing a tye, making sure your shirt and trousers are wrinke free makes me wonder wat am here for.

And I have to mention about my Project Co-ordinator here who is from IBM (actually the project is sub-contracted to us by IBM). Let me tell you she is making our lives miserable. The amount of crap work we are doing is more than the amount of project work we do. She wants us to prepare the following,

1. Sessions callender ( which details all the sessions we have with the users)
2. Minutes of the meeting ( i never knew meeting minutes will be scrutinized so much)
3. Weekly status report
4. Issue tracker list
5. Open items list

let me stop here, coz the list is so big..

Imagine we almost took a day to prepare a weekly status report (wat a waste of time!). My point here is i have lot of other important work to complete the project. Instead of doing that this lady is expecting me to do other stuffs ( in my opinion not so important things).

From that picture, you can realize that Thailand ppl can eat anything that is red/black/brown in color when cooked.

I had never been superstitious in my life, but let me tell you "13" is not that lukcy.